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If you have any questions about us as Swedish professional genealogists or want to do a free inquiry to find your Swedish ancestors you can use the contact form below or the email contact@findyourswedishancestry.com. If there is an inquiry, please fill out as much information about your Swedish ancestry you can so we can make a correct assessment for a price suggestion.

There is no fee for an inquiry or question. Read more about the services I provide to help you find your Swedish roots.

After having received your question/inquiry you will get an answer in 5-10 work days. If you don´t like to use the contact form or want to to attach a document or photo you can use this email to contact me: contact@findyourswedishancestry.com

To send a request you need to check the box above. Your contact information will be deleted after your request or order is handled. Read how Find your Swedish ancestry collect and store your personal data.
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